The individual possesses the greatest capacity for instigating positive change, and this belief coalesces easily with the maker movement.
Get immersed into the future you want to co-create
Why Innovation Matters
The maker movement is an encompassing term that embraces a can-do philosophy for every aspect of life. As individuals begin to look to themselves rather than to others for innovations and resolutions, this personal confidence can be directed toward addressing the climate crisis at the level of the individual.
In Fall of 2015, we led a group of forward thinking entrepreneurs, investors, and managers of incubators from China to the Bay Area to help them understand the importance of community in fostering creative talents. The central government is now focusing on the ability makers and entrepreneurs can shape the future (as they have done many times in Chinese history). China is facing a huge transformation into the maker-focused industry as they increase urbanization and modernization. As global citizens, this is our opportunity to leverage the support from the government to help steer the transformation to the right path effectively.