Doing less is not what we have to do.
We have the ability to change and create more.
You are powerful beyond measures

What if turning this world into a regenerative system did not require making any sacrifices? The world is pivoting into a new beginning. Today, we have everything we need to build a circular economy into a future of abundance.
Imagine having access to all the things that could enhance your life and connect with people who see the clean future you do.
If you have been looking for ways to get started, we are building one just for you.
We're Building The Key for You
Muri (無理) is a Japanese word meaning “impossible” and “unreasonable.”
Murikey strives to provide the keys to transcend the impossible and join creativity with action. Murikey’s mission is to inspire curiosity and spur widespread human engagement to redesign the world that is just and equitable for all. Thanks to technology advancement and political progress, there are almost unlimited ways individuals can have a more positive impact on the planet. And this is not a philosophical exercise with the hope of influencing policy. Through the xPollinators platform, Murikey will bring fun, concrete and accessible solutions to the forefront.
The name is inspired by the work of anthropologist Dr. Karen Strier on the muriqui monkeys. They are one of the most peaceful and egalitarian primates, but going extinct due to habitat lost from of human behavior and consumption.
Murikey reminds all of us that we are powerful beyond measures. The solution to building the world we love is within every one of us.